Aged Care and Retirement Living Capital Works and Refurbishment
“As specialists in Live Site Refurbishment in Aged Care, we understand how people may be vulnerable to the noise and disruption of a refurbishment.”
As specialists in Live Site refurbishments, AssetProjects has resident’s needs at the forefront, committed to their comfort and safety at all times. Over the years, we have delivered internal and external refurbishments for a wide range of facilities in Aged Care and Retirement Living, ensuring the highest level of professionalism and attention to detail, and of course to all building codes and standards. Our sense of community in our our entire workforce, for clients and partners has been recognised as our key point of difference.
Services for Aged Care & Retirement Living include:
Project Management
Full or partial RAC facility refurbishment
ILU & RAC Resident Room refurbishments
ILU portfolio refurbishment rollout
MSU refurbishments
Multi-Project management
Design and Construct solutions
Demotion and strip-out services
Essential Services Upgrades
Floor replacement
Carpentry and joinery solutions
Gyprocking and rending and painting
Glazing and security
Mechanical trades